開印阿闍梨的線上慈心禪 2021.1.1

新的一年,以開印阿闍梨的線上慈心禪 [1] 作為開始,法喜充滿!



### 修習慈心禪的效益[2]
安樂地睡著 sleeps well 安樂地醒來 awakens happily 不見惡的、壞的、有罪的夢 no bad dreams 為諸人所愛 is pleasing to human beings 為諸非人所愛 is pleasing by non-human/spirits 諸天守護 protected by deities 火、毒、刀杖不能侵襲 cannot be injured by fire, poison, and weapons 心迅速入定 mind attains concentration quickly 容貌變得明亮、快樂 facial complexion is serene 命終不混亂、不昏昧 dies unconfused 當未通達更上時,生到梵天世界 if one has not attained Arahantship, one is reborn in the Brahma realm after death ### 慈 (Metta) 的定義 特相:轉起利益行相。 Characteristics: promote actions to benefits and happiness 作用:帶來、招感、聚集利益。 Functions: bring/accumulate benefits 現起:調伏、引導離開瞋害。 Manifestation: quench hatred, or guide to refrain from hatred 近因:看見眾生的可意、令人歡喜的狀態。 Proximate causes: seeing sentient beings amiable ### 慈心的修習方法[3]
Ahaṁ avero homi 願我沒有敵意 (無怨) May I be free from enmity abyāpajjho homi 願我沒有瞋害 (無害) May I be free from hatred anīgho homi 願我沒有憂苦 (無苦) May I be free from suffering sukhī attānaṃ pariharāmī 願我保持快樂 (快樂) May I be filled with happiness 所緣: 自己 self 親 - 中 - 怨 dear - neutral - hostile 破除界限 - 平等慈 - 擴大乃至無量 break down the barriers - equal amity - extended to immeasurable ### 參考資料 [1] 開印阿闍梨的 "送舊迎新--慈心禪" 影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hChRsFY__2E [2] 增支部11集15經/慈經 (AN.11.15) [3] 慈經注, p.76, 明法比丘