法念處 - 隨觀五蓋: 經中說明的修行方式



中部 10 經/念住大經 (莊春江譯) 比丘怎樣對五蓋住於在法上隨觀法呢? 比丘們!這裡,比丘當有自己的 [[ 欲的意欲 ]] 時,他了知:『我有自己的欲的意欲。』當沒有自己的欲的意欲時,他了知:『我沒有自己的欲的意欲。』他如其未生起欲的意欲之生起而了知,如其已生起欲的意欲之捨斷而了知,如其已捨斷欲的意欲之未來不生起而了知。 當有自己的 [[ 惡意 ]] 時,他了知:『我有自己的惡意。』當沒有自己的惡意時,他了知:『我沒有自己的惡意。』他如其未生起惡意之生起而了知,如其已生起惡意之捨斷而了知,如其已捨斷惡意之未來不生起而了知。 當有自己的 [[ 惛沈睡眠 ]] 時,他了知:『我有自己的惛沈睡眠。』當沒有自己的惛沈睡眠時,他了知:『我沒有自己的惛沈睡眠。』他如其未生起惛沈睡眠之生起而了知,如其已生起惛沈睡眠之捨斷而了知,如其已捨斷惛沈睡眠之未來不生起而了知。 當有自己的 [[ 掉舉後悔 ]] 時,他了知:『我有自己的掉舉後悔。』當沒有自己的掉舉後悔時,他了知:『我沒有自己的掉舉後悔。』他如其未生起掉舉後悔之生起而了知,如其已生起掉舉後悔之捨斷而了知,如其已捨斷掉舉後悔之未來不生起而了知。 當有自己的 [[ 疑惑 ]] 時,他了知:『我有自己的疑惑。』當沒有自己的疑惑時,他了知:『我沒有自己的疑惑。』他如其未生起疑惑之生起而了知,如其已生起疑惑之捨斷而了知,如其已捨斷疑惑之未來不生起而了知。 像這樣,或住於在 [[ 自己 ]] 的法上隨觀法,或住於在 [[ 外部 ]] 的法上隨觀法,或住於在自己的與外部的法上隨觀法, 或住於在法上隨觀 [[ 集法 ]] ,或住於在法上隨觀 [[ 消散法 ]],或住於在法上隨觀集法與消散法, 或只為了 [[ 智 ]] 與 [[ 持念 ]] 的程度而『有法』的念被現起, 並且住於 [[ 無依止 ]],他在世間中 [[ 不執取 ]] 任何事物。 比丘們!比丘這樣住於對五蓋在法上隨觀法。 Majjhima Nikāya 10 Satipaṭṭhāna sutta (SuttaCentral) And how, monastics, does a monastic meditate by observing an aspect of the principles? Here, a monastic meditates by observing an aspect of the principles with respect to the five hindrances. And how, monastics, does a monastic meditate by observing an aspect of the principles with respect to the five hindrances? Here, a monastic who has sensual desire clearly knows ‘I have sensual desire’; when they don’t have sensual desire they clearly know ‘I don’t have sensual desire’; and they clearly know how sensual desire that has not arisen comes to arise; how sensual desire that has arisen comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned sensual desire comes to not rise again in the future. (1) When they have ill will they clearly know ‘I have ill will’; when they don’t have ill will they clearly know ‘I don’t have ill will’; and they clearly know how ill will that has not arisen comes to arise; how ill will that has arisen comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned ill will comes to not rise again in the future. (2) When they have dullness and drowsiness they clearly know ‘I have dullness and drowsiness’; when they don’t have dullness and drowsiness they clearly know ‘I don’t have dullness and drowsiness’; and they clearly know how dullness and drowsiness that has not arisen comes to arise; how dullness and drowsiness that has arisen comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned dullness and drowsiness comes to not rise again in the future. (3) When they have restlessness and remorse they clearly know ‘I have restlessness and remorse’; when they don’t have restlessness and remorse they clearly know, ‘I don’t have restlessness and remorse’; and they clearly know how restlessness and remorse that has not arisen comes to arise; how restlessness and remorse that has arisen comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned restlessness and remorse comes to not rise again in the future. (4) When they have doubt they clearly know ‘I have doubt’; when they don’t have doubt they clearly know ‘I don’t have doubt’; and they clearly know how doubt that has not arisen comes to arise; how doubt that has arisen comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned doubt comes to not rise again in the future. (5) In this way they meditate by observing an aspect of the principles inside; they meditate by observing an aspect of the principles outside; they meditate by observing an aspect of the principles inside and outside. They meditate by observing the reasons for the origination of the principles; they meditate by observing the reasons for the dissolution of the principles; they meditate by observing the reasons for the origination and dissolution of the principles. Or mindfulness is established that ‘There are principles’, to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. They meditate independent, not grasping at anything in the world. This is how a monastic meditates by observing an aspect of the principles with respect to the five hindrances. Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (MN 10) (translated by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu) And how does a monk remain focused on mental qualities in and of themselves with reference to the five hindrances? There is the case where, there being sensual desire present within, a monk discerns, ‘There is sensual desire present within me.’ Or, there being no sensual desire present within, he discerns, ‘There is no sensual desire present within me.’ He discerns how there is the arising of unarisen sensual desire. And he discerns how there is the abandoning of sensual desire once it has arisen.15 And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of sensual desire that has been abandoned. [The same formula is repeated for the remaining hindrances: ill will, sloth and drowsiness, restlessness and anxiety, and uncertainty.] In this way he remains focused internally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or externally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or both internally and externally on mental qualities in and of themselves. Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to mental qualities, on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to mental qualities, or on the phenomenon of origination and passing away with regard to mental qualities. Or his mindfulness that ‘There are mental qualities’ is maintained to the extent of knowledge and remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by [not clinging to] anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on mental qualities in and of themselves with reference to the five hindrances. 中阿含 98 經 復次,比丘觀法如法。 比丘者,內實有 [[欲 ]] 知有欲如真,內實無欲知無欲如真,若未生欲而生者知如真,若已生欲滅不復生者知如真, 如是 [[ 瞋恚 ]]、[[ 睡眠 ]]、[[ 調悔 ]]。 內實有 [[ 疑 ]] 知有疑如真,內實無疑知無疑如真,若未生疑而生者知如真,若已生疑滅不復生者知如真。 如是比丘觀 [[ 內法 ]] 如法,觀 [[ 外法 ]] 如法,立 [[ 念 ]] 在法,有知有見,有明有達,是謂比丘觀法如法,謂五蓋也。 增壹阿含 12 品 1 經 云何當滅五蓋? 所謂 [[ 貪欲 ]] 蓋、[[ 瞋恚 ]] 蓋、[[ 調戲 ]] 蓋、[[ 眠睡 ]] 蓋、[[ 疑 ]] 蓋,是謂當滅五蓋。


相應部47相應5經/不善聚經(念住相應/大篇/修多羅)(莊春江譯) 當說『不善聚』時,那是五蓋,當正確地說時,他能說,比丘們!因為這是完全的不善聚,即:五蓋,哪五個呢? [[ 欲的意欲 ]] 蓋、[[ 惡意 ]] 蓋、[[ 惛沈睡眠 ]] 蓋、[[ 掉舉後悔 ]] 蓋、[[ 疑惑 ]] 蓋。


中阿含 145 經 或有一 [[ 貪欲 ]] 所纏而起貪欲,不知出要如真,彼為貪欲所障礙故,伺、增伺而重伺。是謂第一伺,世尊不稱說。 或有一 [[ 瞋恚 ]] 所纏而起瞋恚,不知出要如真,彼為瞋恚所障礙故,伺、增伺而重伺。是謂第二伺,世尊不稱說。 [[ 睡眠 ]] 所纏而起睡眠,不知出要如真,彼為睡眠所障礙故,伺、增伺而重伺。是謂第三伺,世尊不稱說。 [[ 疑惑 ]] 所纏而起疑惑,不知出要如真,彼為疑惑所障礙故,伺、增伺而重伺。是謂第四伺,世尊不稱說。


雜阿含 715 經 有五蓋、七覺分,有食、無食,我今當說。諦聽,善思,當為汝說。 譬如身依食而立,非不食。如是五蓋依於食而立,非不食。 [[貪欲]] 蓋以何為食?謂 [[ 觸相 ]],於彼不正思惟 ,未起貪欲令起,已起貪欲能令增廣,是名欲愛蓋之食。 何等為 [[ 瞋恚 ]] 蓋食?謂 [[ 障礙相 ]],於彼不正思惟,未起瞋恚蓋令起,已起瞋恚蓋能令增廣,是名瞋恚蓋食。 何等為 [[ 睡眠 ]] 蓋食?有五法。何等為五?[[ 微弱、不樂、欠呿、多食、懈怠 ]],於彼不正思惟,未起睡眠蓋令起,已起睡眠蓋能令增廣,是名睡眠蓋食。 何等為 [[ 掉悔 ]] 蓋食?有四法。何等為四?謂 [[ 親屬覺、人眾覺、天覺、本所經娛樂覺 ]]。自憶念、他人令憶念而生覺,於彼起不正思惟,未起掉悔令起,已起掉悔令其增廣,是名掉悔蓋食。 何等為 [[ 疑 ]] 蓋食?有三世。何等為三?謂過去世、未來世、現在世。[[ 於過去世猶豫、未來世猶豫、現在世猶豫 ]],於彼起不正思惟,未起疑蓋令起,已起疑蓋能令增廣,是名疑蓋食。 ... 何等為 [[ 貪欲 ]] 蓋不食?謂 [[ 不淨觀 ]],於彼思惟,未起貪欲蓋不起,已起貪欲蓋令斷,是名貪欲蓋不食。 何等為 [[ 瞋恚 ]] 蓋不食?彼 [[ 慈心 ]] 思惟,未生瞋恚蓋不起,已生瞋恚蓋令滅,是名瞋恚蓋不食。 何等為 [[ 睡眠 ]] 蓋不食?彼 [[ 明照 ]] 思惟,未生睡眠蓋不起,已生睡眠蓋令滅,是名睡眠蓋不食。 何等為 [[ 掉悔 ]] 蓋不食?彼 [[ 寂止 ]] 思惟,未生掉悔蓋不起,已生掉悔蓋令滅,是名掉悔蓋不食。 何等為 [[ 疑 ]] 蓋不食?彼 [[ 緣起法 ]] 思惟,未生疑蓋不起,已生疑蓋令滅,是名疑蓋不食。


雜阿含 713 經 何等為五蓋之十? 謂有 [[ 內貪欲 ]]、有 [[ 外貪欲 ]],彼內貪欲者即是蓋,非智非等覺,不轉趣涅槃;彼外貪欲即是蓋,非智非等覺,不轉趣涅槃。 謂 [[ 瞋恚 ]]、有 [[ 瞋恚相 ]],若瞋恚及瞋恚相即是蓋,非智非等覺,不轉趣涅槃。 有 [[ 睡 ]]、有 [[ 眠 ]],彼睡、彼眠即是蓋,非智非等覺,不轉趣涅槃。 有 [[ 掉 ]]、有 [[ 悔 ]],彼掉、彼悔即是蓋,非智非等覺,不轉趣涅槃。 有 [[ 疑善法 ]]、有 [[ 疑不善法 ]],彼善法疑、不善法疑即是蓋,非智非等覺,不轉趣涅槃。 是名五蓋說十。 相應部46相應52經/法門經(覺支相應/大篇/修多羅)(莊春江譯) 比丘們!什麼法門,經由此法門而五蓋成為十呢? 比丘們!凡有 [[ 自身內之欲的意欲 ]] 者,那是蓋;凡有 [[ 外部之欲的意欲 ]] 者,那也是蓋,『欲的意欲蓋』像這樣總說,經由這法門它成為二重。 比丘們!凡有 [[ 自身內之惡意 ]] 者,那是蓋;凡有 [[ 外部之惡意 ]] 者,那也是蓋,『惡意蓋』像這樣總說,經由這法門它成為二重。 比丘們!凡有 [[ 惛沈 ]] 者,那是蓋;凡有 [[ 睡眠 ]] 者,那也是蓋,『惛沈睡眠蓋』像這樣總說,經由這法門它成為二重。 比丘們!凡有 [[ 掉舉 ]] 者,那是蓋;凡有 [[ 後悔 ]] 者,那也是蓋,『掉舉後悔蓋』像這樣總說,經由這法門它成為二重。 比丘們!凡有 [[ 自身內之疑惑 ]] 者,那是蓋;凡有 [[ 外部之疑惑 ]] 者,那也是蓋,『疑惑蓋』像這樣總說,經由這法門它成為二重。 比丘們!有此法門,經由此法門而五蓋成為十。


相應部46相應55經/傷歌邏經(覺支相應/大篇/修多羅)(莊春江譯) 每當住於心被 [[ 欲貪 ]] 纏縛、被欲貪征服,對已生起欲貪的出離不如實了知時... 猶如水鉢 [[ 被胭脂或薑黃或蓼藍或紫檀[等染料]混入 ]],在那裡,當有眼的男子觀察自己的面貌時,他不能如實知見。... 每當住於心被 [[ 惡意 ]] 纏縛、被惡意征服,對已生起惡意的出離不如實了知時... 猶如水鉢 [[ 被火加熱沸騰起泡 ]],在那裡,當有眼的男子觀察自己的面貌時,他不能如實知見。... 每當住於心被 [[ 惛沈睡眠 ]] 纏縛、被惛沈睡眠征服,對已生起惛沈睡眠的出離不如實了知時... 猶如水鉢 [[ 被苔草覆蓋 ]],在那裡,當有眼的男子觀察自己的面貌時,他不能如實知見。... 每當住於心被 [[ 掉舉後悔 ]] 纏縛、被掉舉後悔征服,對已生起掉舉後悔的出離不如實了知時... 猶如水鉢 [[ 被風吹動、搖動、搖擺、起波 ]],在那裡,當有眼的男子觀察自己的面貌時,他不能如實知見。... 每當住於心被 [[ 疑惑 ]] 纏縛、被疑惑征服,對已生起疑惑的出離不如實了知時... 猶如水鉢是 [[ 混濁的、搖動的、泥濘的、被放置在黑暗中 ]] ,在那裡,當有眼的男子觀察自己的面貌時,他不能如實知見。 長部2經/沙門果經(戒蘊品[第一])(莊春江譯) 他食畢,從施食處返回,坐下,盤腿後,挺直身體,然後建立起面前的念後,他捨斷對世間的 [[ 貪婪 ]],以離貪婪心而住,使心從貪婪中清淨。 捨斷 [[ 惡意與瞋怒]] 後,住於無瞋害心、對一切活的生物憐愍,使心從惡意與瞋怒中清淨。 捨斷 [[ 惛沈睡眠 ]] 後,住於離惛沈睡眠、有光明想、具念、正知,使心從惛沈睡眠中清淨。 捨斷 [[ 掉舉後悔 ]] 後,住於不掉舉、自身內心寂靜,使心從掉舉後悔中清淨。 捨斷 [[ 疑惑 ]] 後,住於脫離疑惑、在善法上無疑,使心從疑惑中清淨。 大王!猶如男子如果拿了 [[ 借款 ]] 後從事事業,如果他的那些事業成功,他會終結那舊的借款本金,會有超出的餘額扶養妻子,他這麼想:『我以前拿了借款後會從事事業,我的那些事業成功,我終結了那舊的借款本金,有超出的餘額扶養我的妻子。』他從此因緣而會得到欣悅,會到達喜悅。 大王!猶如男子如果 [[ 生病 ]] 、痛苦、重病,他會不喜歡食物,身體會沒力氣,過些時候,如果他從那個病脫離,他會喜歡食物,他的身體會有力氣,他這麼想:『我以前生病、痛苦、重病,我不喜歡食物,我的身體沒力氣,現在,我從那個病脫離,我喜歡食物,我的身體會有力氣。』他從此因緣而會得到欣悅,會到達喜悅。 大王!猶如男子如果被關在 [[ 監獄 ]] 裡,過些時候,如果他從那個監獄被平安地、無恐怖地釋放,沒有任何財物損失,他這麼想:『以前,我被關在監獄裡,現在,我從那個監獄被平安地、無恐怖地釋放,沒有任何財物損失。』他從此因緣而會得到欣悅,會到達喜悅。 大王!猶如男子如果是 [[ 奴隸 ]]、非依靠自己者、依靠他人者,不能去想去的地方,過些時候,如果他從那奴隸被釋放,是依靠自己者、不依靠他人者、自由者,能去想去的地方,他這麼想:『以前,我是奴隸、非依靠自己者、依靠他人者,不能去想去的地方,現在,我從那奴隸被釋放,是依靠自己者、不依靠他人者、自由者,能去想去的地方。』他從此因緣而會得到欣悅,會到達喜悅。 大王!猶如有財富、有財物的男子如果走上 [[ 曠野道路 ]],飢饉的、有怖畏的,過些時候,如果他從那個曠野平安地度脫,到達村落邊界,安穩的、無怖畏的,他這麼想:『以前,有財富、有財物的我走上曠野道路,飢饉的、有怖畏的,現在,我從那個曠野平安地度脫,到達村落邊界,安穩的、無怖畏的。』他從此因緣而會得到欣悅,會到達喜悅。 同樣的,大王!比丘看這些自己未捨斷的五蓋如借款、如疾病、如監獄、如奴隸、如曠野道路;同樣的,大王!比丘看這些自己已捨斷的五蓋如無借款、如無疾病、如從監獄被釋放、如脫離奴隸者、如安穩的終極之地。 當他看見自己五蓋已被捨斷時,欣悅被生起;當歡悅時,則喜被生;當意喜時,則身寧靜;身已寧靜者,則感受樂;心樂者,則入定。


[1] 從比較的觀點看念住的實修方法, 無著比丘著, 釋心承、劉雅詩、呂文仁譯